
group of different dog breeds

Selecting the right dog breed for individuals living with PTSD can be a..

group of golden retrievers

When you’re grappling with anxiety or depression, the companionship of a dog can..

woman on bench with ESA dog

Emotional support animals (ESAs) serve as vital companions for individuals coping with mental..

woman hugging her ESA dog

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health condition triggered by witnessing..

woman getting comfort from her ESA dog

Emotional support animals (ESAs) have become a comforting presence for many individuals dealing..

woman walking a golden retriever

An emotional support dog is more than just a pet – it’s a..

woman with labrador retriever emotional support animal

If you’re grappling with ADHD, then you might be looking for various strategies..

woman holding emotional support cat

Emotional support dogs serve as a vital source of companionship and comfort for..

If you're a service dog or emotional support animal owner, staying current with..